Wednesday, August 22, 2012

To Begin You First Need Courage

An inability to step out of your comfort zone will profoundly limit your performance.  Within each one of us lays great potential.  The way you explore that great potential is to make changes and take risks. We stumble and fall in the learning process, but success can only be reached when we are prepared to take those steps.

Courage is making the decision to learn something new by testing and stretching your abilities and taking those risks.  David Archuleta has tremendous reservoirs of potential within him as he steps out and boldly pursues them.  The difference is his attitude; he greets the unknown with a sense of eager anticipation and welcomes it

David has the courage to step out in faith and change his life. He may not feel courageous at the onset or even through the journey, but it is still a courageous act.  He is gaining more self-esteem, confidence and a stronger sense of self. 

It seems he wants to take all he can out of life, and take advantage of every chance he gets.  Courage is about following your heart and growing.  His journey of self-discovery begins with a commitment without complete knowledge of the probable outcome.  David knows that God is the One who goes with you He will not leave you nor forsake you.
David has the courage to discover just how much music he can make when he returns.  How much will he do? How much joy can he share?  I’m convinced that the world, more than ever, needs the music only he can make. 

Every song in “Begin” seems to have a story and there is “newness” to them in terms of style and delivery, but there is also a timeless message that fits in what he is singing about.  These song choices reveal a self-awareness that comes with maturity and also shows a young man in continuous change.
David has that heart on your sleeve honesty that manages to keep listeners interested. With “Begin” these songs are just saying what’s in his heart. They represent a window into the place and time when David finds himself at the age of 21. 
I just finished watching his latest video “Everybody Hurts” and he knocked my socks off with his four minutes and fifty three seconds of passionate, soulful and penetrating vocals.  He is a storyteller that can open people up to their inner soul and is an artist of selfless giving that will shine bright forever. 

David seems to be emerging as an independent artist who may prefer to control his career and not be led by someone else’s opinion of how his career should unfold.  Courage is about choice and acting on what we know we should do and David seems to be making the right ones.

The lyrics to “Everybody Hurts”……Hang on, hold on, you’re not alone…..says it all!  

We are holding on for your return. 


  1. Hi take David's pulse so well! I love reading everything you write because you not only love and understand David's heart, but you help his fans feel its rhythm...always. Thank you Pam!
    I couldn't sleep and found myself thinking of David. He has that way of squirming into your heart and taking up residence! lol

  2. That's beautiful Pam. I think David's song choices were as much for David himself as for the listener. And I'm very grateful to David and to all of the people who worked with him and after he left to make the album and video possible. I am really looking forward to future David.
